Another busy day..
I woke up to early this morning, had a really hard time to get up and make the kids pat lunches. Went back, quickly hovered up, cleaned the kitchen( which was a mess as usual, they really donät know how to put stuff back in the cubbards, or in the dishwasher. Cereals everywhere...:S
Went out for the long walk with Emma, when we came down to the first bottom part in the valley we had to make a big jump, it was flooded! I thought inside about how it would look like in the very bottom. Well, let's just say, the bridge over the river was flooded as well, the water was everywhere and ther was no chance for us to climb around it. And as i refused to walk all the way back, i went in to the farmers yard and asked nicely if we might be able to cross. Emma was a bit chocked, I don't think she espected me to do it. ha! Came back, had a quick shower, picked up Spencer from playgroup, went back had lunch, and then, time for school!
Came to school and signed myself in, then the lady there said that Ms Gurney's class was tomorrow! (Tobys class). She had tried to call me a couple of times but I wasn't in ofcourse. No worries I said and went down to Sians. Stayed ther for an our, I do like my Shawnie, she's such a good company. Went back to school, time for Connie's class! Literacy! It was a very intresting lessons, they had a bigscreen tellie, sort of, with a monitor attached to the computer. The first thing theh talked about was whether an egg is alive, dead or just never born. Funny. Then they have this theme this yar about chocolate! They had some information from a website, then they watched three clips from Charlie and the choclotae factory. You know there's different rooms they go threw in the film? Now the assignment was to invent 2 own rooms that would be in a factory like that. I begged Connie to read her rooms for the rest of the class. She did that eventually, after the lesson she told me that it was the first time she'd ever done that! Iä'm so happy that she acutually did it for med=)
Went back to Sian quickly, then she and Georgia came around here after we picked up the kids. Georgia is such a gorgeus little girl! Then, well the ordninary, cooking, eating, cleaning, then Julie came back, we sorted aout this weeks shopping and stuff.
I'm tired know, gonna go to bed early today i guess. Need my sleep. Going to the horses with Emma again tomorrow morning=) Then ms gurneys class-numeracy. Exited!
As I said to Emelie, there is no button for off on the rollerocoaster of emotions and thought that goes around in your head, but you can find a paus! It's called stimulation, and activating yourself so you think about something else...
Wow, that was a long one, hope you sorted it out? Good practising for you though, and for me;)
Lots of love
Josefina ---<3
Gud vad ambitiöst av dig att skriva på engelska :D Imponerad imponerad. Idag tog jag mig tid att andvända mig av länken du gav mig :D tack tack. Hemskt mycket tack :D lite piffigare blev det. Men jag har ännu inte förstått hur man får färg på den vänstra spallten.. HJÄLP ?? :D kramar
Det var en bra övning för mig, man glömmer bort engelskan fortare än vad man tror ;/ Kunde mer när jag lämnade england än vad jag kan nu.. iofs är det en helt annan grej när man är där borta, då är man verkligen inne i engelskan på ett annat sätt :P
your writing is very good. I hope that your day have been good.
I'm going to borås and gothenburg tomorrow beacuse we are going to look at some flats and hopefully find a nice one.
sleep tight my dear.
lots of love
Ja man glömmer verkligen bort engelskan så fort man inte använder den.. Jag ska läsa en kurs på engelska nästa gång som börjar på mångag.. Hjälp mig.. hahah! Revansch snart gumman när mitt internet inte är mojje ;P haha! Lots of love
You're English is very good my dear ;-) Wish mine was as good as yours... But you can't have everything, right? Just as you said; a good way for both you and the rest of us to practise on our English. By now you're kind of an expert, don't you think? Hope you're having a great time, sweetie! Lot's of kisses